6th Annual Wetlands Workshop
Monday, May 15, 2017 · 8:00am - 4:30pm
6th Annual Wetlands Workshop
Location: Cochrane RancheHouse,
Cochrane, AB (near Calgary)
Date and time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, May 15, 2017
CCP: This course qualifies ASPB members to earn 8 Professional Development Hours
towards their Continuing Competency Requirement
8:30 am - 9:00 am - Registration
Session: Stewardship
9:00 am - 10:45 am - Judy Stewart, L.L.M. PhD. Barrister and Solicitor
Where have all the wetland's gone? Stewarding Cochrane's wetlands
Jay White, Aquality Environmental
Managing Wetland Science Practitioners: Livlihoods Lost and Lessons Learned
10:45 am - 11:00 am- Refreshment break
Session: Policy and Implementation
11:00 am - 12:00 pm - Matthew Wilson, Alberta Environment and Parks
Navigation of the Wetland Policy in the Green Area
Thorsten Hebben, Alberta Environment and Parks
Professional Standards for Wetland Science Practitioners
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Lunch
Session: Technical Skills
1:00 pm - 3:15 pm - Jason Gillespie, Ghostpine Environmental Services
It's Like Herding Cattails: Managing Projects Under the Wetland Policy
Julie Vourie, TechSmart Consulting
Plain Language is the Path to Successful Writing
3:15 pm - 3:30 pm- Refreshment break
Session: Wetland Vegetation
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm- Steve Tannas, Tannas Conservation Services
Restoring Wetland Ecosystems: Striving for Success in Sticky Situations
For inquiries about the Workshop, contact Justin
For inquiries about Registration, contact the ASPB office