Wetland Regulatory Update Workshop

This event is no longer available.

  • Tuesday, April 21, 2020 · 9:00am - 4:00pm

Wetland Regulatory Update Workshop

COVID-19 UPDATE  - We are investigating if rescheduling as a webinar-style presentation is feasible. The rescheduled webinar date will not be on April 21, 2020. Please watch our event postings or twice a month E-news newsletter for a new date. (You may register for the E-news by clicking here.)


The ASPB will host a Wetland Regulatory Update in Red Deer on April 21, 2020. Speakers include representatives from Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP), the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and Mr. Greg Sim from Field Law.

Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Time: 10:00 - 16:00, Check-in starts at 9 a.m.

Location: Radisson® Red Deer, 6500 67 Street, Red Deer, Alberta T4P1A2, Canada

Tentative Schedule:

                               9:00 - Registration and continental breakfast

                            10:00 - Opening remarks and Presentations

                            12:00 - Lunch

                              1:00 - Presentations and Q & A session. Workshop will end around 2:30 pm.                          

Refreshments: Coffee and lunch will be supplied

CCP: Full attendance at the workshop qualifies ASPB member to earn 5 Professional Development Hours towards their CCP requirements.

Cost: Early bird pricing ends March 22nd.    

All tickets are subject to GST and the ASPB Cancellation and Refund Policy (available here.)    Students must be Student Members of the ASPB. Membership information is available here.

Ticket Type Early Bird Price                   Price After March 22, 2020
Member$ 90$105
Student$ 50$ 50

The ASPB is not responsible for the content of the presentations; the information and views expressed by the presenter(s) are their own.

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