The Alberta Grassland Vegetation Inventory Workshop

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  • Sunday, February 20, 2011 ยท 12:00pm - 1:00pm
The Grassland Vegetation Inventory (GVI) represents Alberta's new vegetation inventory for the Grassland Natural Region of the province. It is an outcome of efforts initiated by Alberta's Prairie Conservation Action Plan (PCAP) to assess the change in the native vegetation characteristics of Alberta's prairie landscape. Compilation of the inventory with color infrared photography was started by Alberta Sustainable Resource and Development in 2006/07 with about 100 townships and will encompass over 1300 townships when completed. The GVI replaces the original quarter section native prairie vegetation inventory completed in 1992/93 with a more comprehensive and detailed GIS product oriented to meet a multitude of business needs and pressures occurring on the Alberta prairie area. A key application of the GVI is in rangeland health assessments whereby the GVI range site and its associated ecological district determine a reference plant community. Wildlife habitat assessments, especially for species at risk, become much more operationally viable. Land use decision can be made with greater confidence especially when it comes to minimizing impact on the native prairie. Please join the ASPB in an afternoon workshop about GVI and its myriad applications.
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