Review of Recent Changes to Federal Environmental Impact Assessments

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  • Tuesday, April 17, 2018 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Review of Recent Changes to Federal Environmental Impact Assessments

Due to the high level of interest, and the limit of 100 participants in the online webinar, we encourage you to attend in person or watch the webinar with others.

Presenter:                 Martin Ignasiak (Partner – Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP)

Date and Time:       April 17, 12:00 to 13:00

Location:                    Conference Room ‘A’, Husky Conference Centre, Calgary, AB Plus 30 level, 707-8th Avenue SW (take the escalator up two flights)

Webcast:                    Presentation will also be available via webcast (Adobe Connect). The link will also be posted HERE the morning of the event. *Please note: There are only 100 available spots for the Webcast, first-come first-served basis.*

CCP:                              This course qualifies ASPB members to earn 1 Professional Development Hour

Cost:                             Free


You do not need to register for this presentation to attend in person. The link  will also be posted HERE the morning of the event. *Please note: There are only 100 available spots for the Webcast, first-come first-served basis.* For other inquiries about the webcast contact the ASPB Office .  For inquiries about the BBL, contact Karl Bresee .

Presentation Summary:

The Canadian government introduced Bills C-68 and C-69, respectively, which introduce several major changes to Canada’s federal regime for the assessment of federally regulated projects and regulation of waterways. The Bills repeal and replace the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 and the National Energy Board Act, while making several significant changes to the Fisheries Act and the Navigation Protection Act. What do these proposed legislative changes mean in practice? What advice can we give project proponents today regarding the regulatory regime that will apply to their projects?

Presenter Biography:

Martin is the national Co-Chair of Osler’s Regulatory, Environmental, Aboriginal and Land Group. He has extensive experience in developing and executing strategies for obtaining necessary regulatory approvals for large scale industrial projects, including oil sands facilities, coal mines, pipelines and electric generation facilities. Martin has appeared before all levels of court, including the Federal Court, Federal Court of Appeal, and Supreme Court of Canada. He has also appeared before, among others, the National Energy Board, the Alberta Energy Regulator (Energy Resources Conservation Board), Alberta Utilities Commission, Joint Review Panels established under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, the Alberta Environmental Appeals Board, the Mackenzie Valley Review Board and Land and Water Board and the Nunavut Water Board.

The ASPB is not responsible for the content of this presentation; the information and views expressed by the presenter(s) are their own.

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