Tips on How to be A Good Expert Witness

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  • Wednesday, October 12, 2016 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Tips on How to be A Good Expert Witness

Date and Time:       October 12th 2016, 12:00 to 1:00 pm

Location:                    Conference Room ‘A’, Husky Conference Centre, Calgary, AB

                                           Plus 30 level, 707-8th Avenue SW (take the escalator up two flights)


CCP:                               This course qualifies ASPB members to earn 1 Professional Development Hour



Regulatory hearings and litigation require experts in all areas of science and engineering including in biology. Brad Gilmour will discuss his  experience in dealing with expert witnesses and will explain their role, what to expect and how to be effective.


Brad Gilmour is head of Bennett Jones' regulatory department and co-head of the environmental department. His practice focuses primarily on environmental, energy, regulatory and aboriginal law.

He has significant experience in facility approval applications associated with a broad range of energy, natural resource, chemical, petrochemical, hydro, oil sands, bio-fuel, wind and other industry types. Brad appears before the Alberta Environmental Appeals Board, the Alberta Energy Regulator (formerly, the Energy Resources Conservation Board), the Alberta Utilities Commission, the Natural Resources Conservation Board and the National Energy Board. Brad also regularly advises clients concerning regulatory compliance issues, spills, contaminated sites and environmental prosecutions.

Before entering the practice of law, he worked in Calgary as an environmental consultant conducting environmental liability assessments and site remediation programs.


For inquiries about the webinar contact Christina at [email protected].  For inquiries about the BBL, contact Karl Bresee [email protected]


The ASPB is not responsible for the content of this presentation; the information and views expressed by the presenter(s) are their own.

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