eDNA Workshop

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  • Friday, November 22, 2019 · 1:00pm - 3:30pm

eDNA Workshop

Lead Presenters: Dr. Doug Bright, Ph.D., P. Biol. R.P.Bio, Hemmera; Aron Weir, M.Sc., R.P.Bio., Bureau Veritas Laboratories.

Dates and times: Friday November 22, 2019 (1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.)

Locations: Fairmont Lake Louise Mount Temple C

Cost: Members: $25.00

Non-members: $35.00

CCP: This workshop qualifies ASPB members to earn 2.5 Professional Development Hours towards their CCP requirements.

Food: This workshop takes place immediately following the conference lunch.  Food and drink will not be provided during the workshop.

What to Wear: Workshop will take place indoors in a meeting room.

What to Bring: Your questions and interest in eDNA along with a notebook and pen for taking notes.

Workshop Description:

This environmental DNA (eDNA) workshop is designed as an introduction and overview of the science and methodology, both field and laboratory, of eDNA testing.

Participants will gain a better understanding of important considerations for designing an effective eDNA study; how to collect, filter and preserve eDNA samples; inclusion of positive and negative controls; and how to interpret analytical eDNA results.  Aspects of laboratory eDNA assay validation will be reviewed to demonstrate the accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of this powerful technology.

For the biologist already having experience with eDNA, the workshop provides opportunity to deepen your knowledge, while having experts with eDNA field study design and laboratory analysis available to answer your questions.


Lead Presenter Biography:

Dr. Doug Bright, Ph.D., P. Biol. R.P.Bio.: Backed by over 28 years of research and work experience, Dr. Doug Bright is a Practice Lead at Hemmera for environmental risk assessment and environmental fate and effect studies.  Doug’s graduate studies focused on biological oceanography, coastal and benthic ecology, and environmental toxicology, while the focus of his post-doctoral studies was environmental geochemistry of trace elements and persistent organic pollutants in aquatic and arctic environments. Doug’s main areas of practical research include brownfield and contaminated sites remediation and risk management; mine approvals and decommissioning; environmental effects monitoring (including innovative scientific approaches); upstream oil and gas environmental releases; environmental impact assessments; and watershed management plans. Doug also has extensive experience evaluating human and ecological risks of soil and sediment contamination, airborne contaminants, noise and vibration, and radionuclides.  In addition to providing critical insight into provincial and national environmental regulations and policies, Doug is highly experienced developing Canadian environmental quality guidelines on behalf of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. He has also developed environmental quality standards, guidelines, and approaches for the BC and Alberta governments. In addition, he has published extensively in peer-reviewed scientific literature on human health risk assessment and contaminant fate and effects.


Aron Weir, M.Sc., R.P.Biol.: Aron is a Special Projects Manager based in Vancouver, whose mandate is to develop Bureau Veritas’ environmental DNA (eDNA) testing services.  During his career with Bureau Veritas, Aron has worked alongside colleagues in the Animal DNA Laboratory to deliver analytical solutions for livestock DNA testing.  Prior to joining Bureau Veritas in 2006, Aron worked as a wildlife biologist in California and as a Research Associate for an agriculture seed company where he applied DNA analysis technologies for germplasm characterization and genetic mapping.  Aron obtained his B.Sc. in Environmental Biology from Queen’s University and a M.Sc. in Plant Genetics from the University of Guelph.


Please note: The ASPB reserves the right to cancel this workshop if we do not have sufficient people signed up by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, November 15, 2019. A full refund will be returned.

The ASPB is not responsible for the content of this presentation; the information and views expressed by the presenter(s) are their own.

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