Forensic Entomology: From Crime Scenes to Field Work

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  • Tuesday, April 10, 2018 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Forensic Entomology: From Crime Scenes to Field Work

Presenter:                Terry Eberhardt

Date:                            April 10, 2018

Time:                           12:00 to 13:00

Location:                   Conference Room ‘A’, Husky Conference Centre, Calgary,

                                         AB Plus 30 level, 707-8th Avenue SW (take the escalator up two flights)

Webcast:                  Presentation is available via webcast (Adobe Connect). The link is posted HERE

CCP:                            This course qualifies ASPB members to earn 1 Professional Development Hour

Cost:                           Free


You do not need to register for this presentation to attend in person. Webcast link is posted HERE.  For other inquiries about the webcast contact the ASPB Office .  For inquiries about the BBL, contact Karl Bresee .

Presentation Summary

A quick walk though the creation of a Forensic Entomologist. What is this area of science exactly? How does it work and how useful is it? In addition to answering these questions using some real-life examples, the nature of field work for forensic entomology and a comparison of the lessons learned about field work in New Zealand and Canada will be explored. This presentation will offer an explanation of the information that entomological studies can provide to researchers and scientists in Alberta and Western Canada.

Presenter Biography

Originally from Edmonton and enjoying work as a wildlife biology field assistant, Terry was exploring options on what to do with herself after completing a BSc in Biology at the University of Saskatchewan. She found the topic of forensic entomology fascinating and discovered that the University of Auckland in New Zealand offered a Forensic Science Program. A PhD followed an MSc and she subsequently worked attending crime scenes, collecting and examining evidence for two years. Discovering that it was actually the insects that had really captured her attention, she changed careers and became a full time Entomologist with PestLab at AsureQuality Ltd (NZ). Identifying insects from all over the world, all day and every day - her idea of heaven on Earth. Returning to Canada (Cochrane, AB) after 16 years in New Zealand, she is now looking forward to providing her expertise in insect and mite identification (and spiders too!) wherever it may be needed.


The ASPB is not responsible for the content of this presentation; the information and views expressed by the presenter(s) are their own.

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