Mock Disciplinary Hearing

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  • Tuesday, September 01, 2015 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Mock Disciplinary Hearing

The Discipline Committee is proposing to hold a Mock Disciplinary Hearing, so Members can see the current disciplinary process in action and to test the process in as close to a real life scenario as we can produce.

Presenter: TBD (ASPB Discipline Committee)

Date:               Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Time:              12:00 noon to 1:00pm

Location:         Nexen Annex Discovery Theatre Meeting Room
Nexen +15 level, 801 7th Avenue SW, Calgary

CCP: This course qualifies ASPB members to earn 1 Professional Development Hour towards their Continuing Competency Requirement

For more information please contact Jennifer Sipkens.

(This is a Brown Bag Luncheon, free to ASPB Members.)


Members of the ASPB are expected to carry out their professional work guided by a code of ethics. Like any such code, however, it is also subject to very significant personal judgement and therefore different interpretation by others. The ASPB has long recognized that for any code of ethics to have value, there must also be a system that allows others to challenge our decisions and behaviours against that code. In our case, this is the Discipline Committee.

The Discipline Committee has created a hearing process which allows a third party to raise concerns about the way our Members conduct themselves. It is a real testament to you that, to date, the Committee has not been required to use that process to address a concern.

This is both good news though and bad news. The bad news is that although we do have a hearing process, it has never been tested. However, our world is becoming increasingly litigious and it seems inevitable that at some point, the actions of a Member of the ASPB will be challenged by someone in the community. This is NOT a trivial event in anyone’s career and should it happen could be truly life altering, both personally and professionally. Therefore the process to consider this question has to be especially robust

The Discipline Committee feels it has an obligation to allow you, as Members, to see the current process in action as well as to test the process in as close to a real life scenario as we can produce. We would encourage as many Members as possible to join in. We think that it is critical that we get your feedback on every element of the process since what seems like good ideas on paper can often crumble in practice. Over the next few weeks we will be developing the hearing scenario and will plan to send that out to Members so that you can begin to get a feeling for the overall complexity of this kind of process as well as whether you feel that ultimately it is fair, effective and transparent.

This presentation will be available by webinar. Details will be posted at least a day before the event.

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