Wetland Ecology
Role of Biologists in this Practice Area
Wetlands are diverse and complex ecosystems that require a multi-disciplinary approach to assess, monitor, restore/construct, or manage. As with the diversity and complexity of wetlands, so are the roles of a Professional Biologist in the practice of wetland science and management. From a technical perspective, Professional Biologists provide expertise on all aspects related to wetlands, including classification, delineation, ecological & biophysical characterization, research, impact assessments, and assisting with the development of appropriate and effective mitigation measures. From a management perspective, Professional Biologists provide expert knowledge on managing the landscape from a biological, spatial and social perspective, through land and watershed planning, community engagement and education, and policy development and implementation.
News & Events
- Agenda, ASPB 1st Annual Wetlands Workshop 2012 (PDF)
- Agenda, ASPB 2nd Annual Wetlands Workshop May 2013 (PDF)