2019 ASPB Conference
Wednesday, November 20, 2019 - Friday, November 22, 2019
Susan R. Eaton - Keynote Speaker
The theme for the 2019 Alberta Society of Professional Biologists’ (ASPB) conference, “Connecting Biologists to their Resources” will explore a variety of resources accessible to biologists. The content of the conference will support the practicing professional through presentations and workshops focused on (but not limited to) the following areas:
- Technology, Tools, and Training: Advances or changes in the resources we use to conduct our work, including updated equipment (e.g., different acoustic recorders), updated models (e.g., comparison of available fatality estimators) and recommended training/courses biologists could acquire to obtain/maintain/improve Professional status.
- Our Indigenous Partners: Experiences working with Indigenous communities and incorporating traditional indigenous knowledge into Impact Assessments; Bills C-68 and C-69; determining what qualifies as proper consultation; review of issues that have been happening with pipeline projects (e.g.,TransMountain)
- Adjusting to a Changing Climate: Situations that are changing the environment (e.g., forest fires, flood events) and impact our relationship with the environment, which have the potential to alter or have already altered how we do our work.
- Government Update: Overview of the provincial One Stop System for Approvals and Code of Practice (COP) notifications; updates to the project submission process for renewable projects in Alberta; updated/amended federal Acts and their implications to current work processes (e.g., proposed amendments to the Fisheries Act, updated Fisheries and Oceans Canada guidance for Projects near water, Carbon Tax programs, changes to the Pan Canadian Framework; updates to the Master Schedule of Standards and Conditions for Crown land); decontamination protocols for whirling disease).
Date and time: November 20 -22, 2019 - Registration closes October 31, 2019
Tentative Agenda - For speaker details please click HERE.
The program is available on the app Attendify! Instructions HERE .
You can check out all the functionality of Attendify here
November 20 – Workshops - Registration is not included in the conference
Ptarmigan Trek - Click here to go the registration page
Conference Welcome Reception 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
November 21 - Registration 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Conference 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Breakout session to gather feedback on Wildlife Renewable Energy Protocols. Click here to read.
Banquet 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
The ASPB is pleased to welcome Susan R. Eaton as the Banquet Keynote Speaker. Susan is a geoscientist, journalist and conservationist. You may read her bio here or visit her on Twitter or Instagram @SusanREaton_Geo or on the web at https://susanreaton.com.
November 22 - Conference 8:25 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Workshops - Registration is not included in the conference.
eDNA Workshop - click here to go to the registration page
Location: Chateau Fairmont Lake Louise located here.
A conference ticket does not include accommodations. However, the ASPB has secured reduced room rates, starting at $189 (plus service charge, taxes and fees), for a limited number of rooms at the Chateau. Rooms at the reduced rate are first-come-first-serve. Reservation contact information and more details on pricing are available in this document: ASPB Accommodation Reservation Information.docx.The deadline for reservations at the reduced room rate is October 21st. This reduced rate is also available for delegates on room reservations for the three days before and three days after the conference.
Parking: Current parking charges are $35.00 per day for valet parking and $20.00 per day for self-park. Parking is not included in registration ticket or accommodations.
National Parks Pass: Chateau Fairmont Lake Louise is inside Banff National Park. Any guests coming to Banff National Park are required to buy park passes at the gate.
CCP: Full attendance at the conference qualifies ASPB member to earn 35 Professional Development Hours towards their CCP requirements.
Cost: Early bird pricing ends September 19th. All tickets include the reception on November 20 and the Banquet on November 21.
All tickets are subject to GST and the ASPB Cancellation and Refund Policy (available here.) Students must be Student Members of the ASPB. Membership information is available here.
Delegate Ticket Type | Early Bird Price | Price After Sept.19th |
Member | $375 | $495 |
Non-member | $515 | $645 |
Volunteer | $200 | $200 |
Presenter | $200 | $200 |
Student | $195 | $195 |
Banquet Only | $95 | $95 |
Sponsorship packages are available here. Please contact the sponsorship committee here to sponsor the Conference or for more information.
The ASPB is not responsible for the content of the presentations; the information and views expressed by the presenter(s) are their own.