Log-In Errors
If you are having issues logging in, please do not create a new user account.
Troubleshooting options for login errors:
If you no longer have access to the user account email associated with your registration and you need to reset the password, contact the ASPB office at [email protected].
If you log into a user account and do not see the option to pay your fees, it's likely you have more than 1 user accounts - 1 associated with your registration and another that you've used to sign up for a course, etc. Please log out and try your other account. An email address can only be associated with one account. If you wish to change your registration account user email to an email address associated currently associated with a secondary account, you will need to change your secondary account to a different user email address, then change your registration account to the email address you wish to use.
Request Password Reset: Password reset emails will come from the email address [email protected] with the subject line “Reset password instructions”. Please be aware, your user account email address may have filtering software applied to it which may prevent the email from being delivered or filter the password reset email into spam or trash inboxes. You may need to consult with your IT department (or check your filters) for the email to be successfully delivered. Please do not request multiple resets back to back in a short amount of time. If you do, you will need to find and use the most recent password reset email to reset your password.
If you request a password reset and receive the error below, you are attempting to log in with a user email that is not associated with a user account. Your registration could be associated with a personal email address instead of your business email address, or vice versa. If you have changed jobs since your last renewal or log in, your registration may be associated with your old business email address.