The Biologists Approach to Reclamation and Remediation
Monday, November 14, 2016 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm
The Biologists Approach to Reclamation and Remediation
Presenter: Elvie Reinson
Date: November 14, 2016
Time: 12 - 1pm
Location: Conference Room ‘A’, Husky Conference Centre, Calgary, AB
Plus 30 level, 707-8th Avenue SW (take the escalator up two flights)
CCP: This presentation entitles ASPB members to earn 1 Professional Development Hour
Registration is not required for this event
The public often associates the living environment with Biologists and as environmental destruction and contamination continues to come into the public realm, the skills of Biologists will be spotlighted. Reclamation and Remediation are multidisciplinary fields that require a unique set of skill sets. Biologists skills are key to successful reclamation and remediation of our environment.
This lunch and learn will provide an overview on the skills Biologists bring to Reclamation and Remediation with a focus on Phase I, II and III Environmental Site Assessments and an overview of the reclamation process.
Elvie started down the road of entrepreneurship as a child when she started mowing lawns and shovelling snow. She quickly realized her passion for the complexities of Ecology and Business. In 2008 Elvie started Ballast Environmental Consulting; a company specialized in reclamation and remediation. In 2015 she started another company, Brownfield Development Corp which acquires contaminated sites (or Brownfield sites) in order to clean them up so the land can be redeveloped and become a functioning part of the community again. These workplaces offer a non-traditional work environment for the employees and the core belief is: happy employees make happy clients. Employees are rewarded and encouraged to provide individualized client solutions.
Elvie has always volunteered and has served on many committees through the years. She is currently president of the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists.
For inquiries about this BBL, contact [email protected]
The ASPB is not responsible for the content of this presentation; the information and views expressed by the presenter(s) are their own.