Become a Member
How to Apply
Application and Membership Fees
Internationally Trained Applicants
College of Applied Biology Applicants - Labour Mobility
Membership Categories
Professional Biologist
Biologist in Training
Registered Technologist in Biology
Biological Technologist in Training
Registered Biologist
Registered Biologist in Training
Student Biologist
Temporary Withdrawn Biologist
Associated Biologist
Honorary Member
Registered Biologist in Training
The Registered Biologist in Training membership category is a transitional category for applicants who do not meet the academic requirements for Biologist in Training, yet wish to be a non-regulated member of the ASPB. Members admitted to this category are expected to either take the required number of courses to meet 15 biology courses so they can reclassify as a P. Biol. once they have three years of biology experience, or they are expected to apply for Registered Biologist upon meeting experience requirements, then either do academic upgrading or apply for P. Biol. under equivalency, as outlined in the Registered Biologist page.
An RBIT must hold an undergraduate (40 courses or 120 course credits) or graduate degree(s). The academic transcripts must include at least 25 science courses, of which 12 to 14 are in the biological sciences, and where at least two of the biological science courses are at a senior level (i.e., third or fourth-year).
An applicant should arrange for post-secondary transcripts and proof of degree to be sent directly from the institution to the ASPB office. For applicants who have completed post-secondary education outside Canada, they must submit a third party evaluation of their academics, such as IQAS.